Wood composite

Wood plastic composite, abbreviated as WPC, comprises a mixture of wood flour and PVC in equal proportions. Mixing wood flour and PVC gives rise to an extremely strong combination which reinforces the advantages of both materials while removing their disadvantages. With Duofuse, a material has emerged which retains the appearance of wood while at the same time eliminating the prospect of rot. Wood flour contains lignin which occurs in the cell walls of wood and which, together with cellulose, determines its strength. In addition, its density, binding force and flour structure ensure that it cannot splinter. For its part, PVC makes for a material which is extremely colourfast and does not require maintenance. This consigns regular oiling and staining to the past once and for all.
Plastivan has also invested in a granulation plant for the production of WPC granules. The production is now fully integrated from raw materials to finished product. Thanks to this investment, we now have full control of the production process.